For Parents: I tried these simple techniques as my daughter started Jr. High, they helped to keep her on task with her homework and major assignments.
Shop early for a good backpack of your students choice.
Have all of the necessary items each teacher requires in the backpack, have extra of the same items at home.
If the school does not have a monthly planner, find one your student would like. Have student mark the necessary information during the year on a calendar for school and at home, plus the holidays. Some students might like one of those large desk calendars to write on their own.
If the teacher gives an outline of required assignments and dates for the term to carry in the binder, make an extra copy for home.
Select a matching color of notebook to the color of the textbook. It helps the student remember which notebook goes with each subject.
Suggest the student place all of the text books on the top shelf of the locker at the beginning of the day and place the books on the bottom of the locker that need to take home for homework.
Have a certain place in your home for your student to always study, with all the necessary items.
Have a good headset for your student to use if needed for distraction. Headset is better to protect the ears than ear buds.
If you know in the spring your student will have a particular difficult subjects the next year, try to check out the text book from the school for the summer. Sometimes taking extra time to let a student review helps prepare. The school may charge you a fee to guarantee the return of the book. You may want to have some tutoring during the summer in subjects like math and chemistry.
If you know the long novels the student will be reading during the year, it might be helpful to review those during the summer to help prepare.
For Teachers:
If every student had an outline of each unit during the term with basic vocabulary and reading assignments, every student would benefit and the students needing some extra help would have the vocabulary of the unit.
If students are required to copy a list of unit vocabulary and reading assignments from the board, some students will not be successful due to eye hand coordination. Try pairing students together to read and discuss parts of the unit, struggling students will benefit.