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Your Chances Of Knowing Someone With Learning Disabilities Are Very Good.Did You Know?




2.4 million students in the United States are diagnosed with specific learning disabilities (SLD) and receive services under IDEA. This represents 41% of all students receiving special education services.*


  • 75% – 80% of special education students identified as LD have their basic deficits in language and reading***

  • 60% of adults with severe literacy problems have undetected or untreated learning disabilities**


Children with learning disabilities begin school expecting to learn and be successful. If your child is having difficulty in school, she may learn differently from other kids. Parents are often the first to notice that “something doesn’t seem right.” But sometimes knowing what to do and where to find help can be confusing.


Children grow up to be adults and unfortunately learning disabilities cannot be cured or fixed; it’s a life long issue. And some individuals don’t realize they have learning disabilities until they are adults. With the right support and interventions, however, children and adults with learning disabilities can succeed in school and life. Recognizing, accepting and understanding your learning disability are the first steps to success.




A Learning Disability Is A Neurological Condition That Interferes With An Individual’s Ability To Store, Process, Or Produce Information.


Learning Disabilities Can Affect One’s Ability To Read, Write, Speak, Spell, Compute Math, Reason And Also Affect An Individual’s Attention, Memory, Coordination, Social Skills And Emotional Maturity. Learning More About Learning Disabilities Can Help Yourself, Your Students, Your Children, Or Clients Become More Successful.




  • Auditory Processing Disorder

  • Dyscalcula

  • Dysgraphia

  • Dyslexia

  • Dyspraxia

  • Language Processing Disorder

  • Non-Verbal Learning Disorder





  • ADHD

  • Executive Function

  • Visual Perceptual/Visual Motor Deficit Memory

  • Traumatic Brain Injury




* National Center For Education Statistics

**National Adult Literacy And Learning Disabilities Center

***National Institutes Of Health


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